Can You Really Hit The Ball Longer And Straighter More Often By Shortening Your Swing…No Matter What Your Age?
They all play or played with remarkably short backswings.
Ask yourself this…
Do you think Jon Rahm complains about his distance off the tee?
Of course not.
The thing is, the majority of amateur golfers out there still believe the myth that you need a big, long, rotational backswing to get serious speed and distance.
The reality is, most golfers reading this right now, simply can’t move like Tiger Woods, John Daly, or Dustin Johnson.
It’s not an option…
Stop trying to adapt your body to the wrong swing…
Do the opposite.
It’s time to make your swing match your body.
This is especially true after age 50.
These players are also:
- Lengthening their careers.
- Making better, more consistent contact.
- Hitting the ball longer and straighter.
- And chopping strokes off their game in their sixties, seventies, and even into their eighties.
Even if you’re an experienced golfer, as your body changes but your swing doesn’t, you start to see more inconsistency, poor ball striking, and a loss of speed.And we all know that when your speed goes down, your scores go up!
Any Of These Are Great For Your Overall Well-Being.
And Let’s Not Forget To Try New Equipment…
But None Of Those Are Guarantees Of Increase In Speed, Distance Or Consistency!
But why listen to me?
I’m a coach to professionals and weekend warriors alike of all levels across the globe.
I practice what I preach. Currently a +3 Handicap, I ensure everything I share I would utilize myself or on students.
Now 45 Years of age, everything I do takes into consideration the battle against time and physical limitations as they come and expect in the future. Literally tens of thousands of golfers of all levels have benefited from my programs. With almost 75+ million lessons views… our message of SIMPLE golf gets around.
I have been an elite level player, coached golfers from juniors to professionals, from college players to
weekend warriors, and worked with some of the finest golfing brains in the World.
My company is called The Art Of Simple Golf.I founded this company because I’ve seen too many players on the brink of walking away from the game. And since then, we have helped hundreds of thousands of golfers online.
I help golfers like you. Golfers that became frustrated with all the complicated swing thoughts they were taught and the overly complex movements and drills they were told they MUST execute correctly if they wanted to play the game well.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
This move destroys your take away going into the top, hindering your acceleration starting down.
This causes arm and club “run-off” at the top forcing you into a poor downswing sequence and a stalled pivot.
This creates poor spine and pelvis alignment, sliding, and robs you of a dynamic transition.
This late move to the back foot contributes to sliding and poor sequencing on the downswing.
Failing to use the ground to your advantage is missing out on the largest leverage you have to generate speed.
You’ll learn exactly what to do and when to do it and you’ll see all the evidence to know why what you’re working on works. Also you’ll learn the tested training that produces the swing and ball striking results you’re after
You will tee it up next time you play and not only swing better, you will hit it further, be more accurate, score lower and have more fun! (Go out and play the best golf possible the very next time you tee it up… You will learn and apply the most effective tips and thoughts to get the most out of your golf swing and game without having to practice for hours)
Every drill and position is customized to you and your skill level.
Freeing up your mind and your golf swing will have the most profound effect on your distances, consistency and scores, you wish you would have used the tips sooner! (so you can actually go out and swing and hit the ball where you want and enjoy it!… You will never be frozen with fear or crippling swing thoughts again)
You will be able to look forward to every round you play knowing that you will hit more shots where you want, be longer off the tee and genuinely have more fun (swing and strike the ball as good as you think you can with confidence and score the numbers you want…. The HD, interactive video lessons take you through the key steps ANY golfer can use to play better TODAY.)
Every time time you play, you will be heading to the first tee with the knowledge and confidence that you will hit it as good as you do on the range and score the scores you want to be your friends and cut your handicap in half! (knowing exactly what swing to make and how to hit it where you want, without fear or complicated methods will transform your game overnight…. discover the worst mistake you make in every single swing and how to avoid it easily.)
Learn how to swing to your best ability and make the most out of every drive, iron and wedge shot you hit.
Most golfers cringe at the thought of changing their swing.
It can be intimidating…especially if you’ve been swinging a certain way for a long time.
To address this concern, I’ve created The Short Swing Maximizer.
The Short Swing Maximizer is the most reliable method in the golf industry to help you transition to a shorter, more reliable swing.
Can you afford to let another month or season slip by without seeing any improvement in your scores?
None of us can.
But adding reliability, quality ball striking, and effortless speed to your swing is surprisingly easy when you know exactly what to work on.
Here’s what some of my clients have to say about
The Short Swing Maximizer:
"Thank you Alex. I’m 75 years young. I’ve recently returned to the game after a 10 year+ absence. Took a couple of lessons. However, the past year has been a exercise in futility. Almost made it not worth playing. Then I discovered your site. Went to the driving range this weekend to try it. OMG! What a joy to hit a bucket with such ease and consistency. Will be playing a round tomorrow. Hoping for improved results. Thanks again"
"Thank you Alex. Just recovering from hernia op & looking for less stressful action. This is gold! So easy and potentially very powerful. Seen so much swing advice over my 50 years in golf. This is a true classic. Thank you!"
"Alex says this is very simple…just got back from driving range and I will tell you, IT IS SIMPLE AND EASY! It worked for me on driving range, now; will try to carry same concept to the course. Worked as well with driver and five metal and hybrid."
"Approx 4 years ago I was playing off 14 with a short swing and got seduced by playing partner comments re how much further / better I’d hit id with a full swing. Well after 31/2 years of frustration and not enjoying golf, handicap had reached 19 and I decided to try and “rediscover” my old swing. There were not too many sites that spent any time on short swing golf and how to optimise it and I came across this website by chance. While still a work in progress, my handicap index is now back to 15 and I’m starting to hit better irons off my shorter swing. Series like this really help and I hope to continue improving my ball contact and power optimisation without having to overswing again. Keep up the great work of simplifying the golf game so that more people can not just play to their potential but can really just enjoy playing the game."
"Alex where have u been !!! This is just awesome !! I’m done with the full swing now this seems to be so much easier and more effective 😀"
"This has helped my game BEYOND BELIEF. Thank you"
But of course, you don’t have to try it…
Maybe your flexibility is ideal…
Maybe your rotation matches Rory McIlroy already…
Maybe you don’t have any movement limitations…
If that’s the case, keep at it. You’re one of the fortunate few!
However, if you struggle with any of the issues we’ve mentioned, this message is for you…
All of the lessons and drills are designed to walk you through each step towards YOUR IDEAL golf swing.
Every drill and position is customized to you and your skill level.
You’ll learn exactly what to do and when to do it.
You’ll see all the evidence to know why what you’re working on works.
You’ll learn the tested training that produces the swing and ball striking results you’re after.
You’ll learn what makes the drills you’re doing work.
You’ll learn how to stay on track to keep speed killers out of your swing.
You’ll get instant access to my complete Training Guide to assure you stay on track and get the best results!
You’ll learn the critical sequence necessary to unlock your rotation throughout the swing.
You’ll say goodbye to flipping and scooping.
And I’ll show you how to leverage the ground for serious speed.
It’s all here…
The Short Swing Maximizer was originally priced at $247 but I felt that was too much…
Because I want you to try this out!
It simply works.
If you’re going to make this powerful and positive change to the game you love, it MUST be done correctly.
This is your solution.
I’ll walk you through every step with clear concise videos you can watch over and over.
Thousands of golfers have already benefited from this simple swing adaptation.
So for this week only, in order to celebrate this product release…
We’re taking $130 off!
Note: This is NOT a recurring charge. You pay once and have access for LIFE!
So here’s how I’ll put your mind at ease…
Try The Short Swing Maximizer for a full 30 days–long enough to learn the techniques, try them out in the range, and play multiple rounds.
If my product doesn’t help you:
If you’re forced to revert to your “old” swing, I haven’t earned your cash. Simply contact our office at the support email listed below and I’ll authorize a full refund.
No questions asked.
This is my iron-clad 100% money-back guarantee that you’re on your way to a better golf game.
Fair enough?
- Makes It Easy To See The Incredible Improvement In Your Game With Just A Couple Of Minutes Of Practice.
- Get Better Balance, Tempo, Power and consistency.
- The Real SECRET For Being Able To Be Sharp On The Course And Not Having Age Affect Your Game
- How To See And Visualize Every Single Shot And Be Confident You Can Execute Your Best Swing To The Target You Want.
- Effortlessly Notice Improvement In Your Swing, Your Scores
Tap the button above to go to our secure check to complete your order.
You'll receive a login email from us that you’ll use that to access your course.
Start watching your new training videos as soon as possible.
Follow the training videos for maximum improvement and gains.
If you need help with anything, we have someone standing by to offer a helping hand.
Just shoot an email to [email protected] letting us know how we can help.
P.S. – Every minute you wait to get “The short Swing Maximizer” is another minute you run the risk of going in circles from range to course and never playing your best or enjoying golf as much as you should for years to come. . Put the power of “The Short Swing Maximizer” to work for you so you can quickly and easily play consistent golf , just go out and play the best golf without stressing about how to swing, and Enjoy playing on the course and see the results in scores !
P.P.S. – But don’t just take my word for it… take a look at just a few of the testimonials below, from happy golfers just like you!
"I took some of your simple tips out to the course yesterday and was surprised at how much distance i got out of not trying or thinking of positions of the swing. My swing was a lot smoother and i needed little effort to gain more distance and I was a lot more accurate with my shots. I played several balls with each shot and every time i applied your tips the result was a lot better. I’m currently starting to teach my wife this great game and i will be going down this road for her lessons, as it’s a lot easier to learn and a lot less stress on the body… Keep up the great work mate 🙂 Cheers"
"Purchased on Wednesday, played on Friday and shot just 10 over! Normally I’m 15-16 over but the driving was great using these tips and I hit it straighter than normal. Thanks so much”
"Applied these simple tips and felt lots better and was hitting through the ball. Clear thoughts about target and less about the mechanics of swinging has given me a lot more accuracy both off the tee and with my irons, thanks fella."
"Dear Alex, I have been attempting to play Golf for over 55 years and at my best played off 7. I am currently a very bad 13 struggling to play off 23 !! However,I wish I had come across your teachings years ago !! At the moment I am only ” Paper Trading ” as it were in my back garden,but already I can feel the Potential and really look forward to going firstly to the Driving Range and then The Course in the hope that even at 69 yo I have a chance of playing close to 13 or better. P.S. I’ll let you know how I get on in a month or two ( whether or not you want to !! )"
"All I can say is I have never struck the ball as solidly time after time with all my different clubs. I only played one round (today) and shot 81 which is about 7 strokes better than my average score. I’m really looking forward to downloading the rest of series so I can really take them with me to the course. By the way, I also purchased your “Deadly from 100 Yards” DVD.s about three months ago and love them as well. Thanks and I look forward to finally breaking 80 consistently"
P.S. You have the potential for greatness—don’t let confusion hold you back. Start your journey to better golf today with The Short Swing Maximizer. Your best game is just a click away!